IICRC – After the Water Recedes

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IICRC – After the Water Recedes

As a result of the recent flooding disaster, your home may look like a river ran through it. Your carpet, upholstery, hard flooring and structural components appear to be ruined. Restoring your home after water damage can be a challenge.

The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) suggests taking the following initial steps to restore your home:

  • Stay away from contaminated water or electrical hazards
  • If safe to do so, turn off circuit breakers supplying electricity to the wet area and unplug and remove small appliances from wet rooms
  • Move furniture or raise on blocks to prevent moisture absorption and staining

The IICRC recommends you do not attempt to treat the water damage yourself, but hire a certified water restoration firm that employs professionals trained to assess and repair damage caused by the water. They can also locate hidden damage to ceilings, walls and contents caused by moisture in structural components.


If you are looking for a home remodeling, commercial remodeling or insurance restoration contractor then please call 305.254.9222 or complete our online request form.